Message from Principle

Message from Principle

Prof. Sanjeev Kumar

Metis Degree College is one of the best College

Dear Faculty, staff members and students, Greetings! We, at our institution of learning, endeavour to provide sufficient opportunities to each student to understand and discover themselves and to face and overcome challenges presented to them to make college life fulfilling and complete. We take pride in helping them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible well-rounded personalities of the next generation. Since I stepped into the teaching profession, I have realized that, as teachers, we have been entrusted with great power that can create and form the future of this country. All of us at our institution understand that ‘With great power comes great responsibility.” Hence, our mission is to inculcate the love of knowledge in our students and, for this, we aim to develop the skills and demeanour of lifelong ‘learning,’ essential for making responsible global citizens. This will make them immensely capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism. On a deeper level, we try to instil the values of respect and trust in relationships that are the foundation of real success. We are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations and addressing the future needs of our students. The system of education has become so dynamic that we need to think beyond a pattern. Our students would be well equipped with the best skills, mindsets and qualities that best enable them to strive for success in the world of the future. Our vision is to produce conscientious, confident citizens of India who will go out into the world and make us proud.