Sports Achievements

Sports Achievements: It is a matter of great honor that our girls’ students always participate in various sports events of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra and C.R.S.U., Jind.
1. In Feb., 2014 the college organized National Tennis Volleyball Tournament in which teams of 22 states all over India participated and made it a mega event.
2. In 2018-19, Ms. Sushma and Ms. Asha Rani Participated in Ball badminton, All India inter University, Andra Pradesh.
3. In 2018-19 our college team got IInd Position in Ball Badminton inter college.
4. In 201-19 Our College got IInd position in Athletics.
5. In 2018-19 our college team got IIIrd position in Inter college kabaddi match.
6. In 2019-20, Ms. Savita participated in Boxing In all India inter University, Meerut.